CDA - California Dental Association


CDA Presents 360 home banner

CDA Presents 360 404 page

CDA Presents 360 web icons

CDA publication March Journal cover

CDA Presents 360 home banner

360 is a brand new ready to launch educational website developed by CDA. I had the opportunity to design their home banner. My main idea was to incorporate the two major characteristics of the 360 logo: circular shapes and elements overlapping which creates color mixing illusion, into my design. We had two chosen finalists as shown below:

Design process

For the initial drafts, besides incorporating the inspirations from the 360 logo, I thought it would be fun to explore some other possible options. I did illustration of various dental tools, arranging the layout and using them as the background for the header. I also tried a 3D approach, taking advantage and using all the rich colors from 360 brand guide.

Below are the design processes of the banner development.

CDA Presents 360 404 page

Once again, I have some different ideas for the 404 page. I really loved the idea of using illustrations as I think using illustrations for a brand can grow into a lot of interesting and engaging designs in the future. So I had one version of using illustrated dental tool to form the “404” numbers. Unfortunately, the company is not so fond of illustrations as their brand image.

The other two ideas are more closely inspired by the 360 logo. The mock-up image as shown below is the finalist.

CDA Presents 360 web icon

I picked four 360 brand colors for the icons. Initially I picked pink for the “Risk” icon as I though pink is a good color to “alarm” people for being a risk icon. Later my art director though it’s too alarming. I switched it to orange to tune it down a little. I’m showing the entire process below so you can get a whole picture of my work process.

The four icons are for:





CDA publication March journal cover

CDA has monthly medical journal published on ISSUU, an online publication platform. I had the pleasure working on their journal covers, edits and social media promotional ads. Below are the journal covers I designed for March. The first one was the finalist.


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